About transients and sound image

The concept of a transient is of paramount importance in music and audio engineering, denoting the sudden change in energy at the onset of a sound. Transients have a profound impact on the initial characteristics and dynamic range of a sound, with the management of this element greatly influencing the energy and phase of the sound.

Envelope : About ADSR

In music and audio synthesis, the envelope is commonly known as a mechanism to shape the dynamic properties of a sound. The ADSR (Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release) envelope is one of the most prevalent forms of this. Let’s explore each component of the ADSR.

What is bitrate?

Bitrate is a metric that indicates the speed at which digital data is transmitted. It’s expressed in bps (bits per second), representing how many bits are transferred in one second.

The concept of Phase and Waveforms

A wave is a vibrational phenomenon that serves as a medium for energy transfer and exists in various forms, such as sound waves, radio waves, and light waves. A wave has several different properties, including period, amplitude, frequency, and speed.
Phase is a concept that explains where a wave is located within its cycle. When there are two waves, it represents how far apart they are in time, or in other words, the difference in their temporal positions. Phase is expressed in degrees, dividing one cycle into 360 degrees.

Understanding and Utilizing Compressors 2: Utilizing Audio Compressors for the Perfect Mix

The choice of a compressor significantly influences the overall direction of compressing. This is because many analog compressors have their characteristics, with different detector types and fixed Attack, Release, etc. It is crucial to choose a compressor that fits the situation. However, for those who are not familiar with handling compressors, it is recommended to use a standard digital compressor. This is because digital compressors have very objective and various parameters, allowing for free control depending on what is intended.

What is Weighted filter?

Weighted filters are designed to emphasize or attenuate specific frequency ranges and are primarily used to reflect human auditory characteristics. These filters are based on the fact that human auditory responses are not uniform across all frequencies.

What is LUFS and LKFS?

LUFS (Loudness Units Full Scale) and LKFS (Loudness K-weighted Full Scale) are units used to measure the loudness of sound. They serve as international standards to quantify the relative loudness of audio, based on how humans perceive it. LUFS/LKFS is utilized to measure the average loudness across a variety of audio content like music, films, and broadcasts, applying a K-weighted filter in the process.

What is Loudness?

Loudness refers to the perceived volume of sound as heard by the human ear. It may differ from the actual sound pressure level (dBSPL), which objectively quantifies sound intensity.